Hashnode Logo

Organize a hassle-free virtual hackathon to expand your developer community

Designed for Devtools, APIs and cloud companies.

For developers illustration

Engage with a global community of over 2M developers

Find early adopters in the community and turn them into your developer evangelists.

User Demographics

United States17%
United Kingdom5%
Hackathon companies at Hashnode

"The Hashnode Hackathon was one of the most impactful activities we drove that year. The amount of engagement and amazing projects that were created was incredible leading to signups, product feedback, and so much more."

James Q Quick

James Q. Quick

Ex. Auth0 Developer Ambassador

"I was blown away by how engaged the Hashnode audience was. We saw an incredible number of developers building very cool projects with our tech and writing about a broad variety of use cases. It was one of the most painless community events we've ever run."

James Q Quick

Jason Lengstorf

VP of Developer Experience, Netlify

Hackathon companies at Hashnode

1200 Open-source projects built and deployed

Using partner services, Hashnode's developer community has built and deployed more than 1200 Open Source projects.

Run for 4 weeks

Competitors must design, code, launch, and submit their submissions in just four weeks. If they want to participate in the hackathon, they must use your services, products, or tools.

Globally compliant

Hashnode's legal counsel will ensure that all international laws are followed during the Hackathon. We make every effort to respect the age limits for those taking part who are younger.

Hassle-free Winners' Selection

All Hackathon submissions are reviewed by the Hashnode team and scored according to the established criteria for each individual Hackathon. Judging is open to your team's participation.

Articles, Backlinks, & SEO

Participants must post an article about their projects on their Hashnode blogs once they have completed them. Because of the backlinks from these publications, your brand's SEO will gradually improve over time.

Newsletter Promotions

For the next four issues, Hashnode's weekly newsletter will include an announcement about the hackathon. Over 300,000 people read the Hashnode email each week.

Countdown timer on homepage

Hashnode will have a countdown timer on the homepage to get the community excited and ready for the Hackathon.

Social Media Promotions

Every hackathon is promoted on Hashnode's official social media channels, including Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Facebook. We tag your company and promote it to our 90,000+ followers.

Looking for in-depth analytics?

Submit the form, and we'll contact you with the next steps, detailed statistics, and a proposal.